Prof. Tai Gyu "Teddy" Lee
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
E-mail : teddy.lee@yonsei.ac.kr
1995-1999 Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati (Ph.D.)
1992-1995 Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.S.)
1987-1991 Department of Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University (B.S.)
Professional Experiences
2024-present Director, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering (ISE),
Underwood International College (UIC), Yonsei University
2022-present Manager, Yonsei Ice Hockey Team, Yonsei University
2022-present President, Korean Association of Biogradable Plastic Ecosystem (www.kabpe.kr)
2020-present Founder/CEO, Yonsei University company, Precision and Personalized Medicine Incorporation
2019 Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Spring & Fall Meeting Organizing Committee Chair
2013-present UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Partner
2010-present Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
2012-2014 Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
2008-2010 Dean, Office of Admissions, Yonsei University
2008-present Founder/CEO, Mercury Safety Informative Web Site "Mercury World"
2006-2009 Founder, Yonsei University company, YS Institute of Environmental Technology, Inc.
2005-2010 Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
2002-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University
2001-2002 Senior Research Engineer, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Professional Affiliations
2019-present Korean Society for Investigative Cosmetology
2001-present Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (KSIEC)
2001-present Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (KIChE)
2001-present Korean Association for Particle and Aerosol Research (KAPAR)
1995-present Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA)
Honors and Awards
2020 A Minister Award, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy - Korea
2014 A Presidential Citation for Scientific Achievement - Korea
2013 2013 100 Innovative Leaders of Korea, NewsMaker - the Monthly Magazine for CEO
2013 Award for the Advancement by the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2012 Merit Award by the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2008 National Research Laboratory Research Grant Award by Korea Ministry of Edu. Sci. and Tech.
2003 Young Investigator Award by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation
2000 1st Annual Dr. Pasquale V. & Flora Jean Scarpino & Family Award for Best Ph.D. Dissertation,
University of Cincinnati, USA